Green revenue
Ink's ePaper technology focuses on the products of higher energy efficiency with lower carbon emissions. As FTSE Russell indicates with its green revenue data model, the green revenue of E Ink occupied 99.98% of the total operating revenue in 2021. This has a positive effect on the environment and shows the benefit of the ePaper to the environment.
FTSE Russell's green revenue data model is used to measure the ratio of the contribution from the environment-friendly products and services to the operating revenue of a company, and provides a reference for the sustainable investment. In the green revenue data model, industries are classified into 10 sectors, 64 subsectors, and 133 micro sectors. The revenue of E Ink is classified to the IT Process under the Energy Management & Efficiency sector. The definition of this sector includes the following: Information products and services coming from design, development and production or those introduced with respect to energy efficiency.
Our ePaper products have higher energy efficiency than ordinary TFT-LCD displays. Hence, the operating revenue from ePaper products is deemed as green revenue in the green revenue data model.